Getting to know me has been a blast … so far!

For the last two years since my second divorce, I've been getting to know myself—truly spending days, mornings, nights, months, and almost two years getting to know myself!

At 42 and 10 months … I can actually answer the stupidest question on earth, which is, "So, um, what can you tell me about yourself?" That follows with the sleaziest smile—ugh!

 I am passionate and loud, have a fantastic laugh and charming smile, and am a beautiful woman.

I am kind, generous, super anxious, intimidating (I'm still not sure how, when I am only 4" 9" and weigh about 105 lb), extremely sensitive, and seriously highly empathetic that it actually physically hurts depending on the situation.

The point from all this self-ego stroking is that I am so darn amazing, no, no, that's my ADHD talking  (self-diagnosis) … anyways no, the point of this rant is that How on earth did I let myself go for a whole 40 years without genuinely auditing myself, my life, my people … I always wanted to not think of anything … I only wanted to feel everything and anything!

I have a lot of feelings, and my feelings have led me my entire life. They have definitely led me to an array of amazing things, as well as the most horrific traumatic things.

It hit me today that I can confidently say that for 42 years, I was "unaware." I am not saying unconsciously oblivious, but you can say deliberately oblivious. I didn't want to believe that things and people can be that ugly. It worked, but until it didn't anymore, I needed to wake up and smell the coffee.

I almost intentionally wanted to be dreamy my whole life. As much as I despise this word as a description of someone.

I see and think of things differently; I go so far in my thoughts that I see people's potential, not the people in front of me; people show me who they are with their actions. Still, I always chose to see their potential and ONLY their POSITIVE potential … because I believed that when you put people in a high-value regard, they naturally rise to that value …. And boy, was I so so f***n wrong but not so wrong, I mean it works SOMETIMES … however, most of the time, no …  it doesn't.

The definitive and final point is that, please, don't take 40 years and two failed marriages to get to know yourself.

Don't fall for people's "potential"; find your own true potential first.

Eliminate the distractions that wouldn't let you know who you truly are.

Do it now, make the time now, and stop distracting yourself with "Potentials."

Love & Peace



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